Wednesday 25 June 2014

Grasshopper tennis sample

Grasshopper Tennis Sample

WALT: improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting.

Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball
Why? To reflect on how we are going with the tennis skills we have learnt. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 8
Who? The World

Task: complete the rubric with targets to show your reflection. Make a comment to the questions below?

  1. What are you most proud of and why?
      I'm most proud that I can do the popcorn 
  1. What challenged you the most and Why?
           Slicing the cheese because I have to use the side thats hard for me
  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?
          Slicing the cheese
Post Criteria
Your post must have a:
  1. Title (capital letters for beginning of each word)
  2. WALT at the top
  3. Image - something visual for the reader
  4. Description:
    1. Purpose - why we were doing this
    2. Process - what we did & how we did it
    3. Learning - what I learned
  5. Evaluation - how well do I think I did
Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent

Tuesday 17 June 2014

My Writing sample

Did you know everything you can see touch or feel has matter. Even things you can’t see has matter. Matter has three states solid liquid and gas. 

Solids are hard. It is things like tables, chairs, beds, books. Solids are normally hard. In a solid there are these tiny little things called molecules. The molecules in a solid are all tightly packed together so they have no space to run around.

Liquids are fluid. Liquids are thins like water, drinks, rain, tomato, sauce. The molecules in a liquid have a little space to jog around. So this means a liquids floppy.

Gas’s are soft. You can only feel a gas’s temperature. Gas is like steam smoke or clouds. Molecules in gas can run around quickly. This means you can’t feel a gas because the atoms run straight through you’r hands.

Did you know one state of matter can change to another state of matter? For example if you leave a block of ice on a table after maybe a few hours there it will have melted and became a liquid. Thats because while it was on the table in the open heat energy was added to the block of ice. If you wanted to change the water into a gas you’d have to add more energy. Like when you put water in a kettle. The matter in the water are getting more heat energy thats why steam comes out of the top of the kettle.

You can also take away energy from matter. So like if you had water which is a liquid, you could freeze the water which takes away heat energy and adds cold energy. Which turns the water to ice.

In matter there are tinier things than molecules called atoms. Three atoms equal one molecules. Atoms are kind of the same as molecules. Just like molecules when something is a gas the atoms move around quickly. And when something is a liquid the atoms jog around inside. And when something is a solid the atoms in a solid are slow and have no space to run around.

Solids are hard. Liquids are fluid. Gas’s are soft. States of matter can change.

WALT: inform
DESCRIPTION: Write an explanation about something you have learned about energy.
Feedback: Cool that really is cool. Kyan

I think I did very well on this because I was able to put all of my ideas on

state the main point in the first part of a each new paragraph 

You have started with a point to clue the reader into each paragraph. These are clear.
include evidence (facts, experiments etc) to support my main point

You have included great examples (evidence) that the reader can relate to. Well done.
explain the evidence and how it proves my main point

You have persevered to try to explain how/why your example proves your point - this is really tricky, well done.
Practise writing a linking sentence to my next paragraph

I can see that you have tried to link between ideas. Linking between paragraphs is a lot harder. 
infuse style: topic-specifc vocab, second/third person, present tense, transition words

Great style. Don’t forget to use lots of transition words.

Potential and Kinetic energy

WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we have made a video to explain how energy works.
Feedback: Well done Josiah I like the item you used to show potential and Kinetic energy. Zac
I think I did well on this but next time I should speak a little louder.

Monday 16 June 2014

Integrity Sample

WALT: Show Integrity
Description: This is a panoramic photo of someone picking up a ball and putting it in the right place when no ones looking. Because thats what integrity is.
Feedback: Cool Josiah I can see the integrity showing. Zac
I think we did great because you can see kobe leaving the ball and me and Khobi-Lee picking up the ball and putting the ball back in the right place.

Sunday 8 June 2014

My Mnemonic

Encyclopedia's  Unicorn    Disagree      Oily          That
Elephants            Unicorns   Deranged    Only         Timmy 
Never                  Never        Isaac            I                Has
Catch                  Imagine     Is                  Like         A
Yaks                   Cool          A                  Yogurt     Narrative
Cooking             Octopuses  Great                                     
Lobster               Ruling       Racer                                
Oysters,              Neverland  Egyptian
Pepper,                                 Elf
Ice cream,

We have been learning to make a mnemonic a mnemonic is like a sentence made out of one word.
WALT:Make a mnemonic
I think I did well because I was able to do the long word I wanted to do encyclopedia.
 I really like your mnemonic and you have a lot of the description. Salah.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

My maths sample

Description: This is my math sample. In poutama we've been learning to use different strategies. In my maths group we've been learning the place value strategy.
WALT:Use different strategies for solving math problems
Feedback: Nice Josiah I like those people you made out of the shapes
I think I was really good at this strategy because I understand it.