Sunday 9 November 2014

Oscar Witt

My goal with this writing piece was to use a range of adverbial phrases.
Oscar Witt lay drifting in the water thinking about his past. As a puppy he was bullied. He remembered the time when he was had his first fight. Oscar was now a fully grown golden retriever He jittered furiously in the water as he had his flashback, finally he awoke with sweat draining down him and his heart skipping a beat. Slowly and swiftly he swam out of the river. Oscar shook his fur Quickly and quietly with water flicking off of him. The river was one place where he could clear his mind. Oscar strutted on the cold white sand softly and dreamily. Oscar didn’t pay much attention to what was going on around him. He just sprinted silently straight to the forest.

What a dog was doing in the forest I don’t even know but for some reason Oscar like visiting his friend Blake the Badger. Blake lived in a giant hollow oak tree so long it could fit a baby giraffe. It was ruff on the outside but Blake cut a door open and built a home on the inside. Oscar approached the peace full oak tree, the door was already open so Oscar quickly and wildly galloped inside. As soon as he ran inside he was smacked in the face by the smell of fresh plants and leaves. Oscar was greeted by his friend Blake.
“Hey Oscar, did you see the race?” Blake asked
“What race?” Oscar replied.

“The Bill the Tortoise and the Harry the Hare had a race, and with an unexpected twist the Tortoise won! ” Blake ran and jumped on his back. Blake’s white fur reflected brightly from the sun light. Oscar took a deep sigh.

“You know i’ve been thinking” Oscar started.
“That can’t be good” Blake said to himself. Blake started to drink some water from an overgrown acorn.
“And i’ve made a decision I am going to the jungle”
Blake immediately loudly spat his water out of his mouth like a hose.

Thursday 30 October 2014

My athletics goal

Is to jump over the high jump bar. Because I didn't last time and I want to get the speed and teqnuique to jump over

Wednesday 15 October 2014


In Poutama we read a book called Shrinkage. It's about a girl named Pippa who became a criminal to become friends with all the popular girls. We wrote an overall about where we had a limited amount of words. Heres mine.
1. Name of character                                Pippa
2. Two words describing the character    Try hard
3. Three words describing the setting       Small, Stocked, Safe
4. Four words describing the problem
in the story                                               Didn't clear the evidence
5. Five words describing an event at
the beginning of the story                        Pippa talked to new friends
6. Six words describing an event
that happened next                                  While she escaped she got caught

7. Seven words describing 
another event that happened after 
that                                                          She was thinking about mum's disappointed face
8. Eight words describing the 
solution to the problem                           Pippa could take responsibility for her wrong actions

Thursday 18 September 2014

Inquiry with Nic

WALT Develop ideas, skills and concepts in drama
My goal is to be spontaneous
    1. Focus - become the character, placement, patience.
    2. Accept Ideas and build on them
    3. Levels - make it interesting for the viewer
    4. Space - balanced, using a mixture of all the space, don’t bunch up
    5. Finish on time
    6. Be Spontaneous
    7. Centre stage - main idea is always in this position.
    8. Contribute and participate
I think

My Teacher thinks

1. I’m most proud that we were all able to work as a team on this because at first we had a pretty rough start working together.
2.I found putting the story together in the right way to act out challenging because, it was pretty hard to make the right choice of who to act and how we do it as a team
3.  My next get it goal is to try out and experiment because i’m not always trying new things and experimenting enough

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Inquiry with NIc

With Nic in inquiry I've been acting out the story of David and Goliath. Here is a reflection and my second draft of being the character Goliath.