Sunday 30 June 2013

Journey 2 The Mysteries Island

Journey 2 The Mysterious Island

Everything was happening fast. Too fast. My mind was racing. I was in a helicopter. The helicopter was going down. In the blink of an eye,  I was unconscious...

“EEP EEP EEP”. “Who’s there” I cried. Oh its just my pet monkey. I sat and wondered, What had happened ? Where was I ? Who am I ? What is this Searing sick pain slithering down my shin. Oh its just blood. Okay don’t panic I told myself. But in my heart  I was really panicking.  I got up put lifted Boo Boo my monkey, put him on my arm  and walked in search for help.

I had walked and walked and walked and abandoned all my hope, and walked and walked some more. I had scanned all the grass, trees, water, everywhere. I was tired worn out. I was walking out of the corner of my eye I spied a rusty broken down windmill. Next to the windmill (I thought the windmill was very scrappy) was an old run down house. The house was bending down so much it looked like a hunchback old lady. I walked towards the house.

I saw a little sign saying  Keep Out Or Else ! I shuddered. I knocked on the door there was no answer. Why would there be a house, and a windmill on a tropical island ? Strange. Suddenly there was a “BAM!!! It was the sound of a shotgun. Everything went black...
I was struggling to breath. Wait a minute. If I’m not crazy I’m pretty extra sure I remember that some man with a curly moustache in a black suit tried to shoot me. And I think that next to the man was an orange, black and white with huge teeth that looked sharper than a dagger. And sharp white claws. Its actually pretty funny how I don’t remember what the name of the animal standing next to the man with a curly moustache is called. I was in a dark room my hand and legs tied to a chair. Just then the man with a curly moustache walked into the room...

The man with the curly moustache spat on me. What is wrong with you I thought in my head. Wait where’s Boo Boo I panicked inside my head. “ So, Vat do zou vant” The man with the curly  moustache said. “I guess you have seen Jim my tiger” he snapped. I thought he sounded russian or german. I didn’t reply. “So vou’re zot going to zalk zo me” He said. I saw his eyes staring at my sore shin. It was searing and sizzling with pain. But I realised there was another pain, red liquid was snaking down my hip. I noticed that  his shoes were so well polished that they sparkled like the stars in the dark night sky . He walked out the room.

I had to get out of here I said in my head. I was thinking that I had no hope of escaping and I’d be stranded on this chair forever until I die. I had to try escape. I heard some footsteps. The man was coming back. But instead was the person I would least expect to come. Yes it was Boo Boo. “Hey buddy walk over here and untie my ropes” I said. “Thanks buddy you’ll get a banana treat for this. Suddenly I heard a beating sound. Wait a minute it can it be, can it be, yes it is. Its a helicopter. Wait thats the the bad guys helicopter. Someone in that helicopter's been after me nearly all of my life. They call him Finding Nemo...

Finding Nemo kidnapped my Dad and he’s kidnapped everyone in my family. I loved my dad and I swore to myself I was going to get my revenge. The only person he hasn’t kidnapped is me. He even tries to monkeynap Boo Boo. I had to finish this rivalry there and then. I walked into the helicopter...

“Nemo” I said. “Lets finish this” I demanded. “Ah, I thought you’d drop by” said Nemo calmy. “Come here for another one of our heart to hearts”. Nemo always spoke calmly and never showed fear. “You are a very pretty girl”Nemo said. I blushed. “I would hate to hurt you even a tiny bit”he said. “But unfortunately this all has to end in violence”
“Start the helicopter”Shouted Nemo to the pilot.  I noticed sitting on a table was a pair of handcuffs on a table. If only I could handcuff that crazy nemo guy then I could fly to the police station.”Okay, lets finish this rivalry” Nemo said breaking my thoughts.

He quickly rushed towards the doors in the helicopter. He opened them. “This is an amazing helicopter, I actually built it” He snapped. He admired his work he had done to build the helicopter. Nemo walked to me, I stepped back. He walked back again. He walked closer to me I stepped back. I felt cold air smack onto my face. I was right on the edge of the of the open door of the helicopter. Nemo was right in front of me. “ where do I remember this” he said. I was growing suspicious. “It’s at the tip of my tongue” he hissed. “Oh yes this is the same thing that happened to your dad just before I pushed him off of the moving helicopter” He said happily. I froze. Did he say my father.

I ran to him and pushed him over. I pinned him to the  ground and ran to the place with the handcuffs. I got the handcuffs and put one half of the pair I put it on Nemo’s leg. Then I put the other have on a pole. Out of the blue the man with a moustache ran into the the room. I tripped him up and he fell out of the helicopter’s open door. “Let me go” cried Nemo. “Be quiet you”I shouted back at him. I ran into the helicopter's cockpit and looked at the map. I knew how to fly a helicopter. I flew it back to where I’m from, England. I landed the helicopter at the police station. And told the police the whole story from the beginning to the end. They took Nemo away and something tells me I wouldn’t see him for a long long time. I went to my house with Boo Boo and in the end, everything ended up just fine.

The End
By Josiah Nanguzguzgambo


Purpose: To describe a moment in time to your audience, showing not telling
WALT: Describe
Task: To write a descriptive piece of writing based on the iPad game “The Return to Mysterious Island 2”.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Production

The Production

Darkness trapped everyone. The last few room 5 people strolled off the stage, anxiously we dashed onto stage. It was strange knowing that one of the people dashing onto the stage was me. The darkness was intimidating us. The curtain was an angel rising to the heavens. I lifted my arm up and got into position. The parade of music started. We all automatically started grooving to the music. An army of people gazed at our outstanding dancing. We hip hopped to the music . “Feel the power of love!” We chanted. We did our final position then the lights went out. We were amazing, outstanding, jaw dropping, we blew the parents and the teachers away. I heard a storm of applause.

by Josiah Nanguzgambo


Purpose: To share an event about a time when you completed or saw someone complete something amazing!
WALT: Entertain (recount)
Task: To write a recount based on our Matariki Concert, using “The Man Who Walked Between Two Towers” as motivation.


Thursday 20 June 2013

The Amazing Thing

The Amazing Thing

The african man snatched a piece of meat out of a plastic and put it in front of the Hyena's cage. Mmmmm... thought one of the Hyena’s. Thats one juicy looking scrap of meat.  Lets see if I can beat the others to it, he thought. I stared at the hyena’s dark eyes, the hyena glared back at me. I was in africa at the zoo. The man let go of the meat, it dropped to the ground. Instantly the 3 hyena’s started scratching each other and fighting for the meat, although they were family, they would probably sell each other to work as a slave for the rest of their lives for a scrap of juicy meat. Snap chompa chomp gobble snap. The 3 hyena’s were gobbling and gulping down the meat. WOW, surely they would win an eating contest. When it came to food with hyena’s they didn’t even have a speck of self control. Next after that I saw the elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, tigers and the crocodiles.

Monday 10 June 2013


 We are the romans we have gone over every empire we have been from crack the code to the land of study ladder. We've also gone to the matching shapes game and IXL maths we have completed all of that got every single maths question right. Next were heading for the teacher workshop. Teachers you better be ready, because we have got our maths game on and our calculators in our pocket.

Sunday 9 June 2013


Tane and the 3 kete movie reflection

What is the message of your movie ? That when you need to get something in order to help other peoples lives you have to stop at nothing to reach your goal

How effective does your movie show your message ? 8/10

What did you enjoy ? I enjoyed playing the air guitar and doing my evil face on camera

What worked well ? Getting everything on camera

How well did you participate and contribute ? Very very very very very very well