Wednesday 3 July 2013

WALA: Kotahitanga

                                                Classmates work in unity
Unity, Oneness, Harmony
We are learning about Kotahitanga              

Kotahitanga is helping someone up
If kotahitanga means unity, oneness and harmony, explain why your image shows kotahitanga
  • Kapa haka is working together doing the haka all together and doing the right actions.
What are the benefits of having a classroom where we show kotahitanga?
  • We will feel safe and we will learn better.

How does it make you feel to show kotahitanga
  • Great, amazing, fantastic, awesome, trustworthy and loyal.

List some reasons why it is hard to show kotahitanga.
  • Because some people might not appreciate the kotahitanga you are showing to them.

What are some things you need to be aware of to show kotahitanga?
  • That if you’re trying to help someone they might not want you to help them up because they might just want some alone  time.

How else could we show kotahitanga?
  • By helping someone up if they fall over              

How are you going at consistently showing kotahitanga?


  1. Cool Josiah awesome way of showing Kotahitanga. Over all well done Josiah.


  2. HI josiah it is Regan good job buy showing kotahitanga next time do more words
