Thursday 27 February 2014

Swimming sports reflection

WALT: Evaluate our learning honestly
Task: Reflect on your efforts at swimming sports day
Success Criteria:
  • Use an image here.
  • Answer questions honestly.
  • Use correct spelling and punctuation.
  • Ask your learning partner to write you some feedback. Remember Austin’s Butterfly.
  1. What are you most proud of at swimming sports and why?
     I’m most proud that I cheered on kiwi house loudly and encouraged everyone.

  1. What challenged you the most and Why?
      What challenged me was building up my self confidence.

  1. How did you show kotahitanga?
      By cheering people on who aren't even in my house group

  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?
      Next time I want to try my very hardest because I don’t think I tried my very       best when I swam. I’ll achieve this by striving for excellence.

Peer Comment: Awesome Josiah! I love how you said why and how you
achieved your goal. Well done. Salah
target green.jpg

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Man at sea (edited)

Tuesday the 25 February
Man at sea
WALT: Edit
Jose Salvador is a man who claims to have been lost at sea for more than one year dew to a fishing trip that went terribly wrong. He said he survived on fish, birds and turtles he caught with his bare hands. And he also drank turtle blood and rain water. He was found washed up alone with a bushy beard and ragged clothes 8,000 miles from home on a tiny Pacific island called Ebon. Josie a companion set sail from mexico in 2012 it is believed that Jose's friend had died. I think that Jose was telling the truth about this. The positives about this is he learnt how to survive at difficult times.

Monday 17 February 2014


$100 words
Whatever = 102

Sunday 16 February 2014

Man at sea (Draft 1)

Jose Salvador is a man who claims to have been lost at sea for more than one year. He said he survived on fish, birds and turtles he caught with his bare hands. And he also drank turtle blood and rain water. I agree that he was washed up for more than a year. The positives about this is he learnt how to survive in a shipwreck.


Thursday 13 February 2014

WALT Learn

WALT: learn!

We will know we are successful when we agree to:

  • Believe in ourselves,
  • Take risks in our learning,
  • Manage self,
  • Display leadership / initiative,
  • Show integrity,
  • Strive for excellence,
  • Take responsibility for our learning,
  • Set challenging learning goals,
  • Learn from our mistakes,
  • Show determination in all situations,
  • Work in unity,
  • Know ourselves as a learner,
  • Think happy thoughts (positivity is the key!),
  • Respect others’ rights to learn, to feel safe and to be respected,
  • Practice being a responsible digital citizen.

Reflective Questions to answer:
  1. How do you feel about these agreements? I think these agreements are fair. What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? I like all of these agreements
    because these are all the stuff I expect from myself   
  1. Which agreements will find easy to follow?, knowing myself as a learner because I know myself as a learner like the back of my hand.
Which agreements will you find difficult to follow?, taking risks in my learning. Why? Because I like to stick with the same normal things in my learning.

My 2 stars 1 wish

Tuesday 11 February 2014

My reading goals

W.A.L.T set smart and positive goals.

My term 1 reading goal is to compare and reflect on what the author has written.

I want to achieve this goal because... I don't think about what the author has written

I will achieve this goal by... having a time to reflect at points in the book Every week.

I will know I have achieved this goal because... I will see a habit coming on of me reflecting about the book at points. I will be able to discuss the  big idea of the story with someone else.

My cinquan poem

My art