Sunday 19 May 2013



There are different types of bactieriea some of them may be called fungi or streptococcus pnemoniae or Haemophillus influenza or Clostridia difficle. Sorry for using big words that nobody could say properly if they red it out loud. Not all microbes but some microbes can be called bactirea. So there are different names for bactirea. There is lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of bactirea in the world. 

Some bactirea is very very bad some bactirea can even kill you. Bactirea can give you different diaesises to. Bactirea is everywhere. Yes you cant run away from it. Bactirea is also inside your body. In your stomach, on your hands, on your toe nails, yes even up your nose!

But yes, there are ways to keep yourself clean from bacteria. Quite a few ways actually. Here are some: wash your hands with soap after you use the toilet. Have a shower atleast every two days. Wash your hair every time you have a shower, nits arent bacteriea but you should still not try to get them. In places that have not been treated with clourene boil it before you drink it.

So my advice is try and keep yourself away  from bacteria. Because its everywhere....

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